Eyes rarely lie. This is why many pros wear sunglasses. For example, many players can't help but stare at big hole cards, so their length of time peeking is longer. Conversely, if a player is looking to steal the pot, he may look to his left to see if the remaining players, who haven't yet acted, have quickly glanced at their cards and are likely to fold.
2—Facial Expression
Again, many poker players try to disguise their entire face by wearing a cap and looking downward. Without knowing it, you may have obvious unhappiness in your face when your hand is weak, and conversely, you may show a contrasting show of confidence when your hand is strong.
3—Weak is Strong/Strong is Weak
Basically, players like to be actors. When they have a monster hand they tend to look disinterested. Alternatively, a player increasing the level of his voice while raising the pot, and trying to look intimidating, may be running a bluff.

Anxiety typically occurs in people when they are confronted, or anticipating confrontation. Physical changes include flexing of muscles, eye pupil dilation, palpitating heart rate, dry throat. Some of the top players in the game will stare at the vein on the top-side of your face for blood pressure changes.
5—Trembling Hands
Also, a byproduct of anxiety, beware of a player whose hands are shaking, this nervousness can represent a big hand.
6—Glance at Chips
It is common for players to quickly glance at their poker chips if they connect with the board after a Flop. This may be a subconscious reaction, but the tell is that the player is already planning his attack!
7—Peeking Hole Cards on Flop
Some players will take another look at their hole cards when, for example, the board is showing a potential 3 card flush draw. Typically, the player is looking to see if one of his cards is connecting, because he remembers only that the two cards are different suits.
8—Repetitive Betting Patterns
Usually the most revealing poker tells are based on the way a player habitually bets during particular situations. For example, maybe the player always checks when he has made the nuts, or a player may regularly fold after being re-raised.
9—Body Posture/Attitude
Some players show obvious changes in their posture based on their attitude/poker hand strength. For instance, you may notice their shoulders drop/slump when they are not confident (weak hand). Conversely, you may notice the player is very attentive and sitting in an erect position when he has strength. You may also notice that a player who bluffs a lot, leans forward in a confrontational way … remember Strong is Weak!
10—Chip Stacking
When you first sit down at a table, study the way the players stack their chips. Although it is a generalization, loose aggressive players typically maintain unorganized/sloppy stacks, while tight conservative players keep well organized/neat stacks.
P.S.the above tips apply not exclusively to Texas Hold'em.
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