September 18, 2008

Poker—Presidential Talk

"Americans have played poker throughout history. Playing poker on the internet is simply an example of an American tradition evolving into the 21st century …"

Poker legend Doyle Brunson, formerly a life-long Republican, has made it known that he supports Barack Obama and the Democratic Party in the upcoming U.S. presidential race. Quote:

"During this poker cash game lull, I am on this race for President like stupid is on Britney Spears. I have come to the conclusion that poker players have to support Obama. We can't possibly let McCain be our President because he supports most of George W. Bush's views. Hillary has lots of experience but I don't think she is ready to lead our nation. Imagine her trying to talk to the leaders of the Islamic world? I wish we could have her husband back, but we can't. Jennifer Harman and I have emailed Obama and asked what his position is on internet gaming. Hopefully we will get a response from his camp."

And he has a reason.

Obama has stated that he prefers to regulate online poker and Internet gambling, rather than criminalize it.

Obama is following in a long tradition of poker playing presidents, from Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Teddy Roosevelt and Warren Harding to Harry Truman.

Little gossip:

Warren Harding, 29th U.S. president, played poker at least twice a week, and once gambled away an entire set of White House china. His advisors were nicknamed the "Poker Cabinet" because they joined the president in his poker games.

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